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L'enseignement devrait être ainsi : celui qui le reçoit le recueille comme un don inestimable mais jamais comme une contrainte pénible.
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Robot70-meter-long anomaly discovered on the moon's surface

Scott C. Waring, Copyright,

Ufologist Scott C. Waring has recently made a fascinating discovery that reignites the debate about the possibility of extraterrestrial life hidden beneath the surface of the Moon. During a recent analysis of lunar photos, Waring claims to have identified a peculiar structure on the Moon's surface: a perfectly defined black square measuring approximately 70 meters on each side.

According to Waring, this mysterious object, surrounded by a thick frame, could be much more than just a geological anomaly. Using Google’s measuring tool, he determined the precise dimensions of this structure, leading him to propose a bold hypothesis: this black square is actually an entrance or exit for spacecraft, leading to an underground world hidden beneath the lunar crust.

Waring also draws on historical precedents to support his theory. He recalls that during one of the Apollo missions, a peculiar phenomenon was recorded when a lunar module crashed on the Moon, generating an echo that lasted over an hour. This prolonged echo has been interpreted by some as evidence that the Moon might be hollow. For Waring, this new discovery fits within this narrative and could serve as further proof of intelligent life existing beneath the Moon's surface.

For the ufologist, this discovery is more than just a curiosity. He considers it “100% proof” of the existence of intelligent life inside the Moon.


Alien - 3 septembre 2024 - Rael2012 - CC BY 2.5 - Voir l'historique

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