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RobotHe Claims to Have Identified a Reptilian Species on the Moon

Scott C. Waring, Copyright,

Renowned ufologist Scott C. Waring has once again made headlines with a discovery that could revolutionize our understanding of the Moon's history—and perhaps even humanity's origins. On July 23, 2022, while analyzing images of the lunar surface, Waring claims to have identified a striking depiction of an intelligent reptilian species in a crater impact zone.

According to Waring, the observed figure displays distinct biological and anatomical characteristics. "The mouth is open, the tongue is immense and curved, seemingly adapted for speech," he describes. He adds that the upper limbs are smaller than the lower limbs, but it's the thick, prominent tail that stands out: "This is the detail that confirms a reptilian origin."

For Waring, this discovery goes beyond a simple lunar observation. He proposes a bold theory: reptilians may not have stopped at the Moon but also played a key role in Earth's evolution. According to him, dinosaurs might have been an experiment conducted by this species to study primitive evolution.

"Earth is a large-scale biological experiment," he states. "Human diversity itself, with its different ethnic groups, would be the result of extraterrestrial genetic interventions. Each human group would be linked to a distinct stellar lineage."

He goes even further, claiming to have found faces on other planets representing intelligent species still unknown on Earth, including species resembling bears or felines.

While his claims provoke skepticism within the scientific community, Scott C. Waring remains convinced of the validity of his observations. To him, the evidence is there, visible to those who take the time to look.


Alien - 7 janvier 2025 - Rael2012 - CC BY 2.5 - Voir l'historique

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