News News

Cylindrical UFO seen southwest of Malta

On June 23, 2024, at 9:35 PM local time, a resident of Marsaskala witnessed a highly unusual aerial phenomenon, reported to the National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC). The observer, the sole witness to this event, described seeing a metallic cylindrical object, roughly the size of a plane, moving through the sky at an incredible speed, far faster than that of an airplane.

U.F.O. - 7/1/2024

Colorado - you needed a prescription to take a bath!

In the labyrinth of American legislative history, some peculiar laws seem straight out of a farcical comedy. One such curious regulation hails from Colorado, where, according to an old law, it was necessary to obtain a doctor's prescription before one could take a bath. This outdated legislation evokes a mix of astonishment and amusement among historians and citizens alike.

Weird - 6/30/2024

Rosie Ruiz: the biggest cheater in the Marathon

Rosie M. Vivas, better known as Rosie Ruiz, was born in Havana, Cuba, on June 21, 1953. She immigrated to the United States with her family as a child, settling in New York. Ruiz gained worldwide notoriety for her fraud in the 1980 Boston Marathon.

Weird - 6/24/2024

The day Muhammad Ali saw a UFO...

Beyond his achievements in the boxing ring, Muhammad Ali, the legendary icon, also made his mark in the realm of unexplained phenomena. Ali reported having observed an unidentified flying object (UFO), an experience that added a mysterious dimension to his public persona.

U.F.O. - 6/17/2024


Elvis Presley: The King and His Fascination with UFOs

Elvis Presley, the undisputed legend of Rock'n'Roll, had a lesser-known passion for extraterrestrial phenomena. Beyond his timeless hits and indelible influence on music, Elvis harbored a fascination for UFOs, a belief rooted in personal experiences and family stories.

U.F.O. - 6/16/2024

Wycliffe Well: The UFO Capital of Australia

Wycliffe Well, a small remote locality in the Northern Territory of Australia, is often referred to as the "UFO Capital" of the country. This unique reputation attracts curious visitors and UFO enthusiasts from around the world, all eager to witness unexplained aerial phenomena.

U.F.O. - 6/15/2024

Ramana Maharshi: The Incredible Aura of the Sage of Arunachala

Although he advocated a spiritual teaching imbued with great simplicity, based on introspection and metaphysical questioning, Ramana Maharshi remains shrouded in an aura of mystery and extraordinary phenomena. This 20th century Indian sage impressed his disciples with multiple paranormal abilities that reinforced his status as an enlightened master.

Sect / Religion - 6/13/2024

UFO filmed near shuttle Endeavor

Once again, NASA's photographic archives seem to have delivered new evidence of the presence of UFOs in space. Ufologist Scott C. Waring has indeed uncovered an intriguing picture taken from the space shuttle Endeavour during the STS-113 mission in 2002.

U.F.O. - 6/10/2024

Has the Bible Foretold the Prophet Muhammad?

The question of whether the Bible, the sacred text of Judaism and Christianity, has foretold the coming of the Prophet Muhammad, the founder of Islam, has been a subject of theological debate for centuries. This controversy continues to spark passionate discussions among scholars, religious leaders, and adherents of both faiths.

Sect / Religion - 6/9/2024

A UFO filmed by the army in 2018 in Iraq

Stunning new images have recently surfaced, reigniting the controversy surrounding the reality of unidentified flying objects (UFOs). The footage, unveiled by UFO expert Jeremy Corbell, allegedly originates from sources within the U.S. intelligence community.

U.F.O. - 6/8/2024
