RobotA huge and mysterious creature seen in Canada in 1803
Okan Caliskan, Pixabay,

At the start of the 19th century, a soldier saw a huge and weird creature while in western Canada. The witness only briefly described this huge beast.

Thomas Pollock, who was a sergeant of the Hudson's Bay Company, was with his guide. They had gone to venture out to come into contact with indigenous tribes.

His story was told in Edinburgh Magazine:

We left York fort on the 19th of May 1803. About fortnight after, having been sent across a river, the name of which I do not now recollect, by Mr. Louis’s orders, the guide and myself suddenly came upon animal of an enormous size. It appeared about 20 feet in height, and had a very heavy and unwieldy appearance. I can give but a very lame account of it, on account the consternation into which I was thrown. The largeness of its belly was enormous, nearly touching the ground. Its colour was a dirty black.

What the hell was it?


Cryptozoology - 06/11/2020 - Rael2012 - CC-BY 3.0

