RobotUFOs filmed during nuclear test in 1945
United States Department of Defense, Public Domain,

In archive footage from 1945 showing a nuclear test conducted by the United States, a renowned ufologist noticed surprising and totally inexplicable anomalies ...

These images show us a nuclear explosion triggered on Bikini Atoll in 1945.

Scott C. Waring, a famous internet ufologist, analyzed the images of this explosion and noticed several supernatural elements. First, at the base of the mushroom cloud, he discovered what looks like a portal. Then, just above the blast cloud, he spotted three UFOs.

Scott C. Waring


He explains:

Guys, I got some video from the US National Archives and found a doorway to hell at the base of a nuclear explosion test at Bikini Atoll in 1945. I also noticed three UFOs flying across the top of the explosion. Can you imagine the nuke test causing a doorway into another dimension, space or time or planet? An alien steps through that door into the heart of our atomic bomb test...and its vaporized! Welcome to Earth.


U.F.O. - 13/03/2022 - Rael2012 - CC-BY 3.0

