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Crystal ballTour de magie

SpellsRitual to Conquer Fear of Public Speaking

StarryAI, CC0,

Required Elements:

  • A red candle
  • Sage incense
  • A glass of water
  • A rose quartz crystal
  • A feather


  • Create a calm and soothing ritual space. Cleanse and purify the area with the smoke of sage.
  • Place the rose quartz crystal in front of you on a red or pink cloth. This is a soothing stone that will foster self-confidence.
  • Light the red candle, a symbol of life force and courage. Focus on the dancing flame.
  • Take the feather in your dominant hand. It is a tool of communication that will help channel your speech fluidly.
  • Drink a few sips of fresh water to clarify your throat and mind.
  • Close your eyes and visualize yourself speaking in public with ease, an aura of calm and assurance enveloping you.
  • Recite aloud the following Latin incantation, directing the feather toward your mouth:

"Vox mea fortis ac clara resonat,
Timorem refuto, confidentiam celebro.
Per pennam eloquentiae vincam,
Verbis meis mundum movebo."

  • Gently blow on the feather while visualizing all your fears and blocks leaving your being.
  • Keep the rose quartz crystal with you when public speaking as a talisman of serenity.

Practice this ritual before each event to fill yourself with courage and charisma. The fear will gradually dissipate, replaced by the assurance of a charismatic speaker.

Magic - White Magic - 25 mai 2024

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