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Créer la liberté à l'intérieur de la nécessité est sans doute la moins mauvaise définition de l'amour. Qui donne sa foi conquiert sa liberté.
(Jacques de Bourbon Busset)

Événements - 18 juillet

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SkullThème - Witchcraft

Witchcraft, in the realm of spirituality and folklore, refers to a set of beliefs, practices, and rituals associated with the magical arts, typically attributed to individuals known as witches. It encompasses a diverse range of traditions, varying across cultures and historical periods. Witchcraft is often characterized by its focus on harnessing supernatural forces or energies to influence events, shape outcomes, or connect with the spiritual realm.

Central to witchcraft is the concept of personal power and the ability to manipulate or channel energies to bring about desired changes. Witches may engage in spellcasting, divination, herbalism, and the use of symbols or talismans to enhance their magical workings. Rituals and ceremonies play a significant role, providing a framework for connecting with deities, ancestors, or spirits, and seeking their assistance or guidance.

Historically, witchcraft has been intertwined with notions of the supernatural, pagan beliefs, and folk traditions. However, it is essential to distinguish between the magical practices of witchcraft and the harmful stereotypes and persecution associated with witch-hunts that occurred in various parts of the world throughout history.

Contemporary witchcraft encompasses diverse paths, such as Wicca, a modern pagan religion, as well as other neo-pagan or eclectic traditions. Practitioners may identify as witches, wiccans, or simply as individuals exploring their spirituality through magical practices.

It is crucial to approach the subject of witchcraft with an open mind, recognizing that beliefs and interpretations may vary widely and that witchcraft holds different meanings for different individuals and communities.

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Film 1
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Histoire effrayante 0
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