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Durée 114 minutes
Année de sortie 2024
Genre Drama
Pays - United Kingdom
Scénario Sebastián Lelio
Réalisation Sebastián Lelio


Disobedience is a 2017 romantic drama film directed by Sebastián Lelio and written by Lelio and Rebecca Lenkiewicz, based on the 2006 novel of the same name by Naomi Alderman. The film stars Rachel Weisz, Rachel McAdams, and Alessandro Nivola. Set in North London, it tells the story of a woman who returns to the strict Orthodox Jewish community for her father's funeral after living in New York for many years, having been estranged from her father and ostracised by the community for a reason that becomes clearer as the story unfolds. The film was produced by Weisz, Ed Guiney, and Frida Torresblanco.

Disobedience had its world premiere at the Toronto International Film Festival on 10 September 2017. It was released in the United States on 27 April 2018, by Bleecker Street and in the United Kingdom and Ireland on 30 November 2018, by Curzon Artificial Eye.

The film received some positive reviews, with critics praising the performances of Weisz, McAdams, and Nivola, Lelio's direction, and the screenplay. It was nominated for the British Independent Film Awards, GLAAD Media Awards, and Dorian Awards for Best Picture.

United Kingdom rating company British Board of Film Classification has rated the movie 15 (for strong sex).



The old Rav Krushka succumbs to illness while delivering a sermon on free will to his Orthodox Jewish congregation in North London. Ronit, the Rav's estranged daughter who lives and works in New York as a photographer, returns to London.

Ronit arrives at the home of her childhood friend, Dovid Kuperman, a chosen disciple of her father, as members of her father's congregation pay their respects to the deceased. Ronit fails to fit in, behaving in a manner not conforming to Orthodox culture. Despite his surprise at Ronit's visit, Dovid insists she stay with him. Ronit is surprised to discover that Esti, a childhood friend to both of them, is now Dovid's wife.

Ronit reads her father's obituary in the local Jewish paper which says that he died with no children. Ronit visits his grave and sees three young Shomer. Dovid teaches students the Torah. That night Esti and Dovid have sex.

Ronit and her two friends attend Shabbat dinner at Ronit's uncle's house. Ronit tries to ask her uncle about selling the house but he says they cannot discuss business on the Sabbath. Ronit is questioned by the other party guests about changing her name and is told to take her mother's candlesticks so she may one day give them to her children. One of the guests tells Ronit that she should get married because it is what should be done. Ronit says that if she had stayed here she probably would have been married off, but she would have been suicidal. She leaves to walk home, joined by Dovid and Esti, and talk about her father.

Ronit visits her uncle Moshe at his office in the back of a Sheitel shop to discuss the disposition of her father's house, but discovers her father has left all of his possessions to the synagogue, and is only allowed in the house to retrieve personal items. Esti accompanies her, and after the two women reminisce about their memories of the Rav's house, Esti tenderly kisses Ronit, who initially resists before reciprocating. Esti confesses to having asked Ronit to be notified of her father's death out of a desire to see her again.

Esti reveals her unhappiness with her life choices, taken based on the Rav's advice and her strong belief in HaShem. After being caught in a romantic tryst resulting in Ronit's departure from the community, neither Ronit or Esti have been with other women. While Ronit is implied to be bisexual, Esti admits that she is a lesbian. On the way home, they stop at a nearby park and kiss under the same tree where Esti first kissed Ronit. They stay out at night and kiss again in an empty tennis court, but are spotted by a couple from the congregation. Esti walks away unseen, but the couple identify Ronit and suspect that the other woman was Esti. Ronit unconvincingly denies this.

The next day, Esti, who works as a teacher at the local Jewish school, is called into the headmistress' office after the couple deliver a complaint about Esti and Ronit's behaviour. At the synagogue, Dovid is asked to take over the Rav's duties. He is warned about Ronit, but insists that he keeps his house in order. Meanwhile, Ronit tells a shaken Esti that she is leaving the next day, without attending her father's hesped. The two of them sneak away to a hotel room in central London for passionate sex. After, Esti tells Ronit that she thought of her often, imagining her New York apartment and keeping track of the time difference. Esti brings up the memory of Rav Krushka walking in on them when they were young girls. Ronit says she regrets never taking his portrait. Ronit then tells Esti that she wants to take her picture. Esti is initially shy but poses with Ronit's cigarette. Dovid arrives home after dark and searches for Esti. He first checks their bedroom, then Ronit's guest room.

Esti arrives home later and apologizes. Dovid tries to initiate intimacy but Esti refuses to engage in sex with him. The next morning Esti feels sick. Later that morning Dovid informs Esti that Mrs. Shapiro had made a formal complaint, and he asks her to tell him the truth. Esti confesses that she kissed Ronit and how she feels about Ronit, but Dovid denies this and says that Ronit is taking advantage of her. Esti responds that it has always been this way and that she had always wanted it to happen. Dovid leaves. Esti finds that Ronit has heard the whole argument. Ronit says that she thinks Esti should leave Dovid. Esti responds that she has no place to go.

Dovid attends to his duties at the synagogue, clearly preoccupied. At dinner that night, Ronit announces that she has booked a flight and is leaving that night without attending the hesped. Dovid says that it is good. Ronit leaves and gets a cab to the airport. After Dovid is asleep Esti goes to a drugstore and purchases a pregnancy test. Later in a hotel room, she begins Shuckling against a cabinet and crying.

Ronit wakes up in the airport and is about to board her flight when Dovid calls her and reports that Esti is missing. Ronit and Dovid search Rav Krushka's empty house for Esti. Ronit searches alone in the park where they first kissed. Ronit and Dovid return to his home at night to find Esti already there. She reveals that she is pregnant, but she wants the freedom to give her unborn child a chance to decide whether or not to be part of their community. Dovid leaves.

Ronit and Esti attend the Rav's hesped, which is to be given by Dovid in front of the entire congregation. Dovid sees them entering together and is visibly shaken. After the opening Zemirot, Ronit invites Esti to come live with her in New York. Dovid begins to speak but is unable to follow his prepared text. Instead, he points out that Ronit, the Rev's only child, is attending the service. He reminds the congregation of the sermon the Rav was delivering on the freedom to choose right before he died. During the speech, under the guise of addressing the congregation, he releases Esti from their marriage, then publicly turns down the offer of becoming the congregation's new spiritual guide. Esti finds him outside and they embrace. Dovid motions for Ronit to join in their embrace, finally reconciling their old friendship. Ronit and Esti each rest their heads on one of Dovid's shoulders and clasp hands behind his back.

The next morning, Dovid awakens alone in his bedroom. Esti has slept downstairs on the couch. Ronit is ready to fly back to New York. When her taxi arrives, she says her goodbyes, wishing Dovid and Esti each a long life. As Ronit's cab is driving away, Esti chases after her. She gives Ronit a final kiss. Ronit says to Esti that she will be a beautiful mother. They tell each other 'I love you' and they promise to keep in touch once Esti has decided where she will live. Ronit makes a detour to her father's grave to bid him a final goodbye and take a picture of his grave.


Acteur Rôle
Rachel McAdams Esti Kuperman
Rachel Weisz Ronit Krushka
Alessandro Nivola Rabbi Dovid Kuperman


Sect / Religion - 22 juillet 2021 - Voir l'historique

Tags Judaism

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