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MovieExorcism at 60,000 Feet

Fiche technique

Durée 95 minutes
Année de sortie 9 août 2019
Genre Comedy horror
Pays - United States
Réalisation Chad Ferrin
Scénario Robert Steven Rhine


Exorcism at 60,000 Feet is a 2019 comedy horror film that was directed by Chad Ferrin, based on a script written by Robert Rhine and Daniel Benton. Rhine also served as one of the film's producers and as one of the actors.



The movie begins with Father Romero exorcising a demon from two men, Lt. Garvan and Martin, by shooting Garvan in the head and killing him. Romero then boards a flight to Vietnam along with several other passengers. Garvan's remains are also on the plane. During the flight his body reanimates, allowing the demon to possess two of the passengers. Romero manages to successfully exorcise the passengers.

Romero tells a Rabbi named Feldman that he had served with Garvan during the Vietnam War. The lieutenant had put him in a coma for several years due to Garvan having a mental breakdown and shooting both Romero and a little girl he was trying to exorcise. The demon possesses several others, one of which results in a possessed pregnant woman giving birth to a demon baby that gets flushed down the toilet. Together the priest and rabbi go to the cargo hold to battle Garvan, who manages to escape by overwhelming Romero with visions.

During the chaos Romero discovers that one of the passengers, Amanda, is the sister to the little girl Garvan murdered. He successfully persuades her to assist him and together they convince one of the pilots to fly the plane to 60,000 feet, as this will take them further from Hell and the source of the demon's powers. More deaths and possessions occur but ultimately Romero, Feldman, Amanda, and several other survivors land the plane, only to be met by Garvan's corpse and several other undead, possessed people.


Acteur Rôle
Robert Miano Romero
Bai Ling Amanda
Lance Henriksen Houdee
Bill Moseley Garvan
Adrienne Barbeau Montegue
Robert Steven Rhine Larry Feldman
Silvia Spross Sally
Kelli Maroney Jenkins

Numéros d'identification


Sect / Religion - 12 novembre 2022

Tags Exorcism

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