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MovieThe Earth Dies Screaming

Fiche technique

Durée 62 minutes
Année de sortie 14 octobre 1965
Genre Science fiction
Pays - United Kingdom
Réalisation Terence Fisher


The Earth Dies Screaming is a 1964 British science fiction horror film directed by Terence Fisher, written by Harry Spalding, and starring Willard Parker, Virginia Field and Dennis Price.



Human bodies are scattered around an English village, apparently dead in a sudden cataclysm. A small group of survivors gather in the local hotel bar, led by an American jet test pilot, Jeff Nolan. It appears a mysterious gas attack has killed off most of the Earth's population. Figures in space suits appear in the streets; Vi Courtland thinks they have come to rescue them but they turn and kill her with their touch. Several of these bulletproof killers stalk the streets. The remaining group goes to a local Territorial Army drill hall to look for weapons. The group members arm themselves and struggle for survival against the invaders in what is the first step in an alien invasion.

Vi reanimates as a zombie with white eyes. Quinn Taggart shoots and kills her.

Quinn knocks out Jeff and heads north with Peggy Hatton in a sports car. She runs off when he stops for petrol. She is trapped in a house pursued by invaders and zombies, and hides in a wardrobe. After the zombie pursuing her abandons the search, Peggy runs outside and is saved by Jeff, who is looking for her. He runs down a space-suited creature with his Land Rover, revealing it is a robot. They go back to the drill hall, where young Lorna Brenard is about to give birth to a daughter. Meanwhile, Ed Otis cannot face the new reality and is drinking anything alcoholic he can find.

Jeff and Mel Brenard use a shortwave radio and triangulation to work out where the aliens are transmitting their control signals to the robots. They locate the transmitter tower and are about to blow it up when robots start to appear. However, when the tower is destroyed the robots collapse.

Quinn returns to the village as a zombie. Otis shoots him, saving Peggy, Lorna, and the baby.

The survivors commandeer a Pan Am Boeing 707 and fly south in search of other survivors.


Acteur Rôle
Dennis Price Quinn Taggart
Virginia Field Peggy Hatton
Willard Parker Jeff Nolan
Thorley Walters Edgar (Ed) Otis
Vanda Godsell Violet (Vi) Courtland
David Spenser Mel Brenard
Anna Palk Lorna Brenard

Numéros d'identification


Alien - 17 février 2023

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