On April 22, 1934, a strange paranormal phenomenon occured in Gorakhpur, a city located in the north-eastern part of the Purvanchal region, India.
Throughout the night, a heavy red rain is fallen over this city, terrifying inhabitants. In the morning, villagers discovered that an area of two acres was covered by a thick red deposit. Scientists have collected to run some tests.
In India, blood rains seem to be familiar. On Monday 15 July 1957, red-coloured rain fell over Wynaad, in the region of Malabar. A few years ago, from 25 July to 23 September 2001, a similar downpour occured sporadically in the state of Kerala. Yellow, green and black rain was also reported.
According to researchers this unusual coloring come from airborne spores of green alga from the genus Trentepohlia.
- Strange Phenomena in India, The West Australian, April 23, 1934
Mystery - 23 janvier 2021 - Rael2012 -