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RobotFollowing a car accident, a man saw Hell

Dean Moriarty, Pixabay,

Some time ago, a man was a car accident. While he was clinically dead, he live a terrifying near death experience.

When he was unconscious, Jeff thinks he was in Hell. He saw and felt a thousand arms trying to grab him. He couldn’t see the faces of his attackers.

Jeff told his story on NDERF (Near Dearth Experience Research Foundation) website:

I was at the edge of a cliff stepping into a deep abyss of darkness filled with thousands of people with their arms outstretched to me.

I could see no faces but I saw the arms outstretched.

As I began to step into the void, I was snatched back from the edge by an unseen force and I heard the words, 'It is not your time; I am not through with you yet.'

The very next moment my wife was pulling me from the car and resuscitating me.

Jeff survived but after this incredible experience, he believes in life after death…

And you?


Thanatology - 13 février 2021 - Rael2012 - CC-BY 3.0

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