On February 24, 2022, a flashing orb was seen over the territory of Yukon, Canada. The witness caught a short but impressive video of this UFO.
Scott C. Waring, famous ufologist, explains:
“This eyewitness noticed a brightly glowing and fluctuating orb in the sky in Canada yesterday. The object seemed to be very close. I estimate it to be about 100-150 meters away from the eyewitness. As he watches and records it, you can hear his excitement when it flashes to him. The UFO does this to tell the person that it too noticed you. Kind of amazing experience, sadly the video is very short, but even a short video gives us great evidence. Undeniable proof that UFOs exist.”
U.F.O. - 27 mars 2023 - Rael2012 - - Voir l'historique