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Flying Saucer0 article taggé "Battle of Los Angeles"

Terraflorin, Public domain,

The Battle of Los Angeles, which occurred in the early hours of February 25, 1942, remains an enigmatic episode in World War II history. The nighttime sky over Los Angeles suddenly lit up with anti-aircraft searchlights and intense artillery fire. Military and civilian authorities feared a Japanese attack, as Japan was already engaged in the war. However, no enemy aircraft were shot down, leaving those who witnessed the event puzzled.

The hypothesis of a "battle" between American forces and an unidentified flying object (UFO) quickly emerged. Witnesses claimed to have seen luminous shapes maneuvering in the sky, sparking speculation about extraterrestrial origins. Military authorities eventually announced that it was due to weather balloons and collective "war nerves." Nonetheless, the explanation was widely contested by numerous researchers and UFO enthusiasts.

Despite official statements, the mystery persists, and the Battle of Los Angeles remains associated with a UFO hypothesis, with eyewitness accounts and period photographs suggesting an alternative interpretation. The events of that night continue to divide experts, leaving the question of whether the incident was of earthly origin or possibly linked to extraterrestrial presence still open-ended.

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