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Flying Saucer0 article taggé "Freemasonry"

Roby~commonswiki, CC BY-SA 3.0,

Freemasonry, often simply referred to as Masonry, is an initiatory and philanthropic fraternal society whose historical origins are subject to debate and which finds its roots in the medieval guilds of Europe. Its history is complex and steeped in mystery, contributing to its aura of enigma and fascination over the centuries.


The exact origins of Freemasonry are difficult to pinpoint precisely due to the lack of historical records. However, it is generally agreed that it emerged in the Middle Ages in Europe among the guilds of builders, responsible for the construction of cathedrals and castles. These guilds gradually evolved to include non-working members and transformed into secretive societies of free and moral men.

Over the centuries, Freemasonry expanded beyond its professional origin and became an organization emphasizing personal development, philanthropy, and fraternity. It played a significant role in social and political movements, particularly during periods of revolution and social change.

Principles and Organization

Freemasonry is based on a set of fundamental principles, including tolerance, freedom of conscience, mutual respect, and the pursuit of truth. Freemasons gather in lodges, which are the basic units of the organization. Each lodge is led by a master, assisted by other officers.

The Masonic organization is hierarchical, with different degrees of symbolic initiation. Masonic rituals, rich in symbolism, are used to convey moral and philosophical teachings to members. Freemasons are bound by obligations of discretion regarding the specific details of these rituals.

Myths and Realities

Freemasonry has often been surrounded by mystery and speculation, fueling numerous conspiracy theories and misconceptions. Some have accused Freemasonry of being a secret society seeking to influence global events for nefarious purposes, while others see it as simply a social club.

However, for most Freemasons, the reality is quite different. They view Freemasonry as a philanthropic and philosophical organization aiming to improve the individual and society as a whole through personal development, community service, and fellowship.

Impact and Legacy

Freemasonry has had a profound impact on many aspects of modern society. It has helped shape the ideas of freedom, equality, and fraternity that have been at the heart of revolutionary and democratic movements. Many influential men and women throughout history, including thinkers, politicians, and artists, have been members of Freemasonry.

In conclusion, Freemasonry remains an enigmatic and fascinating organization, whose influence extends far beyond its members and continues to inspire curiosity and interest worldwide.

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