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SkullThème - Spiritism

Spiritism, also known as spiritualism, is a practice aimed at establishing contact with entities or spirits from another plane of existence. It is a philosophy that originated in the 19th century and was popularized by the renowned medium Allan Kardec.

Origins and Development of Spiritism:

Spiritism emerged at a time when ideas about the afterlife and communication with spirits were widespread. Religious and philosophical movements such as spiritualism, mesmerism, and esotericism all contributed to the formation of spiritism.

Allan Kardec, the pseudonym of Hippolyte Léon Denizard Rivail, played a crucial role in establishing and popularizing spiritism. In the 1850s, Kardec began studying paranormal phenomena and collecting information from mediums. He compiled this information into a series of books known as "The Spirits' Book," "The Mediums' Book," and "The Gospel According to Spiritism." These works laid the foundation of spiritism and established its fundamental principles.

Fundamental Principles of Spiritism:

Spiritism is based on a few basic principles that guide its followers:

  1. Existence of God: Spiritism acknowledges the existence of a supreme being, referred to as God, who is the source of all intelligence and creation.

  2. Immortality of the soul: According to spiritism, the soul is immortal and survives physical death. Communication with spirits is believed to provide evidence of this survival.

  3. Reincarnation: Spiritism teaches the belief in reincarnation, which means the soul can inhabit different physical bodies successively to evolve spiritually.

  4. Mediums: Mediums are individuals who have the ability to serve as intermediaries between the living and the spirits. They can receive messages from spirits and relay them to interested individuals.

Practices and Spiritist Sessions:

Spiritist sessions are typically organized with the aim of establishing communication with spirits. Participants gather around a table or in a specially arranged room, and a medium leads the session. Mediums may employ various techniques to make contact with spirits, such as clairvoyant mediumship (vision), auditory mediumship (hearing), or psychographic mediumship (automatic writing).

Sessions can involve conversations with deceased spirits, seeking spiritual guidance, spiritual healing, or demonstrations of paranormal phenomena such as object levitation or physical manifestations of spirits.

Critiques and Controversies:

Spiritism has faced numerous criticisms and controversies since its inception. Some critics argue that the phenomena observed during sessions can be attributed to psychological manipulation techniques or illusions. Others criticize the lack of solid scientific evidence to support spiritism's claims.

Furthermore, spiritism has been associated with scams and the exploitation of vulnerable individuals by dishonest mediums.


Spiritism is a practice that seeks to establish communication with spirits or entities from another plane of existence. While this practice was influential and popular in the 19th century, it is now surrounded by controversy and raises debates regarding its scientific nature and the veracity of the phenomena observed during sessions. Regardless of one's stance on spiritism, it continues to exert influence on the beliefs and spiritual practices of some individuals.

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