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Pour celui qui a décidé d'en faire sa vie, l'art déséquilibre.
(Françoise Chandernagor)

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ClownAnton LaVey - Occult San Francisco Interview (1975)

Timer 7 minutes 47 secondes

In this extraordinary footage, LaVey delves into the depths of Satanism, presenting it not merely as a fringe belief system but as a profound philosophical and psychological paradigm. With a rare candor, he unveils Satanism as a religion grounded in a pragmatic understanding of human nature, eschewing the mysticism of the occult in favor of a materialist worldview.

LaVey's discourse pierces through the veils of conventional spirituality, challenging traditional notions of divinity and the supernatural. He grapples with the concept of "god" and offers a provocative redefinition of Satan as a symbol of individualism, rebellion, and personal empowerment.

Moreover, LaVey confronts head-on the accusations leveled against him, dismissing claims of mere showmanship or sensationalism. Instead, he asserts the seriousness and sincerity of his philosophical convictions, rooted in a profound understanding of human psychology and existential philosophy.

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Sect / Religion - 28 avril 2024 - Rael2012 - CC BY 2.5 - Voir l'historique

Tags Church of Satan

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