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Les gouvernements aiment les pandémies, et ils aiment les pandémies pour les mêmes raisons qu’ils aiment la guerre. Parce qu’elle leur donne la possibilité d’imposer à la population des contrôles que celle-ci n’accepterait jamais autrement.
(Robert Francis Kennedy Jr.)

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BookThe Gospel According to Spiritism

Auteurs Allan Kardec
Thème Spiritism
Genre littéraire Essay


The Gospel according to Spiritism is the third of the five books that comprise the Spiritist Codification*, a compilation of teachings transmitted by high order spirits (the Spirits) and organized and commented on by Allan Kardec. The book contains the essence of the moral teachings of Jesus, thus providing a roof under which followers of all religions- even those who profess no religion at all- can gather, for it offers a sure guide for our inner reform, which, according to Christ, is indispensable for us to find future happiness and inner peace, a state that is possible for the spirit on its evolutionary journey to God only by complying fully with the divine laws. *The Spirits' Book, 1857; The Mediums' Book, 1861; The Gospel according to Spiritism, 1864; Heaven and Hell, 1865; Genesis, 1868.



ISBN-10 8598161705
ISBN-13 978-8598161709
Nombre de pages 464
Publié le 1 décembre 2011
Format Broché
Editeur Edicei of America
Quatrième de couverture

The Gospel according to Spiritism is the third of the five books that comprise the Spiritist Codification*, a compilation of teachings transmitted by high order spirits (the Spirits) and organized and commented on by Allan Kardec. The book contains the essence of the moral teachings of Jesus, thus providing a roof under which followers of all religions- even those who profess no religion at all- can gather, for it offers a sure guide for our inner reform, which, according to Christ, is indispensable for us to find future happiness and inner peace, a state that is possible for the spirit on its evolutionary journey to God only by complying fully with the divine laws. *The Spirits' Book, 1857; The Mediums' Book, 1861; The Gospel according to Spiritism, 1864; Heaven and Hell, 1865; Genesis, 1868.

Spiritism - 1 décembre 2011

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