A man named Jim, who suffers from diabetes, has had a severe attack of hypoglycemia. He lost consciousness. It was then that he had a near-death experience.
Jim claims to have been in the afterlife. Everything was dark but he had an unshakeable sense of peace. He explains that there was a mysterious presence that communicated with him telepathically.
He told his story on the Near Death Experience Research Foundation website:
“I felt an indescribable peace and calm. It's hard to put into words but I have never felt such a feeling before in my life.”
“To simply say that I felt calm and peaceful does not do it justice. Low blood sugar, once consciousness returns, produces intense feelings of anxiety, agitation, confusion, fear and panic.”
“I felt none of this. Quite the opposite. I have never felt such peace, calm, warmth and love in my life.”
“There were no tunnels, bright lights or life reviews.”
“What I did experience was a presence, which reassured me that everything would be all right.”
“It was not a spoken voice but rather a telepathic message, which was just as clear as a spoken voice. It reassured me and put me at ease.”
“I firmly believe it was a higher power communicating this message to me.”
Suddenly Jim was back in his body.
- Life after death: 'There was NOTHING but an overwhelming presence' – claim - www.express.co.uk
Thanatology - 25 novembre 2020 - Rael2012 -