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RobotMan recounts his incredible near-death experience

Tumisu, Pixabay,

A few years ago a man named Bill had a terrible accident. While clinically dead, he had a near-death experience.

Bill said a 500-pound (about 226 kilograms) beam fell on him. He fell to the ground, totally unconscious. He recounted what happened next (testimony collected by Near Death Experience Research Foundation):

As I was falling down from being hit with the beam, it all was happening in slow motion and seemed like it took me forever to hit the ground.

All at once, I was somewhere else and felt great. I started seeing all the events in my life as they went past my field of vision. I had forgotten most of these events.

I suddenly seemed to know all the questions in my life and had all the answers.

I just knew all the mysteries of life. I remember thinking about why I didn't know this before.

Then, I could see all of my deceased family members standing in a semi-circle waving to me and welcoming me.

But, they were beyond a point where I could go to them.

The next moment Bill found himself in his own body. After this experience, he admits that he is no longer afraid of death.


Thanatology - 11 avril 2021 - Rael2012 - CC-BY 3.0

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