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Malheureux celui à qui les souvenirs d’enfance n'apportent que peur et tristesse.
(Howard Phillips Lovecraft)

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RobotA hydra-headed ghost seen in Melbourne in 1893

Gil Meydan, CC BY-SA 3.0,

In late March 1893, a terrifying hydra-headed ghost was seen wandering the halls of one of the most iconic buildings in the city of Melbourne, Australia...

Here is the press article published on March 25, 1893:

One of the night watchmen at the Treasury, Melbourne, was found at his post on Saturday morning in a state of collapse (writes the Melbourne Standard). The only way he could account for his condition was that during the night, when making his usual rounds, he had seen a ghost — a hydra-headed ghost — making high revels in one of the main corridors. He approached it carefully with a lamp and watched its movements. In general appearance itseemed to belong to the common or garden breed of ghosts, except for its many heads, and the fact that it carried a scythe in its long shadowy fingers, on the blade of which was inscribed in letters of fire the word ‘Retrenchrnent.’ The rumour of the visitation has caused no end of commotion among Civil servants generally.


Ghost - 29 janvier 2023 - Rael2012 - CC BY 2.5 - Voir l'historique

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