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La grandeur d’un destin se fait de ce qu’on refuse plus que de ce qu’on obtient.
(Françoise Chandernagor)

Événements - 3 juillet

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SkullThème - Parapsychology

Parapsychology is a field of study that explores psychic or paranormal phenomena that appear to defy conventional scientific explanations. It investigates abilities or experiences that seem to surpass the limits of normal sensory perception or known mental processes.

Parapsychology generally encompasses three main areas: telepathy, clairvoyance, and psychokinesis. Telepathy involves communication or exchange of information between individuals without the use of the five known senses. Clairvoyance pertains to the perception or knowledge of information without the use of ordinary senses, such as sight or hearing. Psychokinesis, on the other hand, deals with the influence of the mind on matter, such as the movement of objects through the power of thought alone.

Parapsychology conducts empirical research, including laboratory experiments, surveys, statistical analyses, and other scientific methods, with the aim of exploring these phenomena and understanding their nature. However, it is important to note that parapsychology is a controversial field within the scientific community, with debates over the validity and interpretation of the findings.

Parapsychology has generated considerable interest among the general public, partly due to its association with topics such as paranormal experiences, psi phenomena, extrasensory perceptions, and purported mental abilities. However, its scientific status remains a subject of discussion and critique, and it continues to be an exploratory and evolving field.

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Paranormal - en
