Ursula Southeil (1488-1561), better known as Mother Shipton is one the most famous English soothsayer and prophetess. According to some people, she predicted the Coronavirus pandemic…
The “Yorkshire witch” was born in Knaresborough in a cave. She was reputed to be hideously ugly. She married Toby Shipton, a local carpenter, near York in 1512. Throughout her life, she made predictions.
Now, researchers have found some references to COVID-19 in the prophecies of Mother Shipton. Here the complete prediction about Coronavirus:
And yellow people get more power
From the mighty bear with whom they lay.
But these mighty tyrants can’t do anything
They will not be able to divide the world into two
For danger arises from their actions –
A terrible fever, leaving many dead.
And doctors won’t find a cure
For the disease will be worse than leprosy.
“Yellow people” refers to Chinese people and the “terrible fever leaving many dead” will be the coronavirus. The onset of COVID-19 will be a sign of terrible events:
When moving pictures seem alive
When boats like fish swim under the sea,
When people, like birds, will cut through the sky
Then half of the world, drenched in blood, will die.
Those who survive the century
Will be in awe and awe
Many will flee to the mountains, to the forests and hide in the
Slowly they will die out
Searching for diminishing streams of water
Many will die of thirst earlier
Than the oceans rise to the shore.
Fire dragon cross the sky
Six times before this earth dies
Humanity will tremble and be scared
Until the sixth herald in this prophecy.
Seven days and seven nights
A person will watch this amazing sight.
The tides will rise beyond
The shores will begin to crumble
Mountains will roar
And earthquakes will split the plains.
And floods of water rushing
Flood all the lands with a roar
Having buried humanity in a dirty swamp
And a man will roar at his brethren.
He will bare his teeth, he will fight and kill
Fighting for food supplies
Hidden in secret hills
Not every soul on earth will die.
As the tail of the Dragons passes by.
Not every earth on the planet will sink
But plants, bodies of people and animals
Will roll around
They will rot, crunch under your feet and stink.
So, by reading these lines, we can say that our futur will be terrifying and hopeless…
- Prophecies of the Yorkshire Witch: Signs of Imminent Days? - www.soulask.com
Prophecy and 2012 - 6 décembre 2020 - Rael2012 -