A person who worked one night in the morgue was trying to reconstruct the body of a man who died in a car accident. Suddenly he saw that corpse's forearm move several times. Did the dead man want to send him a message?
The witness told her story on Reddit:
“At times your imagination goes wild, especially if this is your first year working at a morgue and here is my experience. Sure just like any other person I enjoy horror movies, but I never thought of them as being ‘real’ especially when it comes to the supernatural.
There had been a big accident somewhere nearby (I live in a small town) and it was 3rd month working there, so being one of the newbies I had to show I was able to do this. It was a pileup, and there were several bodies at once in the morgue.
Since some of them came in as ‘pieces,’ and we had to put them back together like a puzzle. I don’t want to get morbid so I will skip this part. After a long while of trying to figure things out, some of the other guys decided to go to break. I decided to stay since I really didn’t know them.
I kept working and I actually thought I saw a forearm with a tattoo move a little bit. I thought to myself that it was my imagination so I kept working. Next thing I know I saw it move again, I decided to hell with it and kept looking at it but nothing happened.
I actually felt silly. I saw it move for a third time and this time it REALLY did move, right there in front of my eyes, but how can this be possible? My co-workers busted thru the doors and I didn’t say anything. Some time later, one of them approached me and told me “Hey man, you got it wrong.”
“I got what wrong?” “That piece, that arm it doesn’t belong to that body.” “Huh?” “See this forearm goes over there, it belongs to that body.” I had actually made the mistake of misplacing the parts and I guess (I know it’s silly to say) maybe the arm was trying to tell me something?”
Ghost - 23 août 2021 - Rael2012 -