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Montrez-moi quelqu’un qui n’a pas d’égo, et je vous montrerai un perdant. Avoir un égo sain, ou une haute opinion de soi, c’est un vrai truc positif dans la vie
(Donald Trump)

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RobotJanuary 3rd: The Day France Records the Most Deaths

StarryAI, CC0,

Every year, an intriguing statistic resurfaces: January 3rd is, according to INSEE, the day when the most deaths are recorded in France. On average, the number of deaths on this day is 20% higher than on other days of the year.

A Mortality Peak After the Holidays

Several explanations have been proposed by specialists. The first hypothesis suggests that some people at the end of their lives unconsciously delay their final breath to avoid disrupting the holiday celebrations. "There is a well-documented phenomenon in medical studies: some patients manage to postpone their passing for significant events," explains an interviewed geriatrician.

Climatic and Health Factors

Beyond psychological factors, the climate also plays a role. January is often marked by cold waves, which worsen cardiac and respiratory problems, particularly among vulnerable individuals. Additionally, winter viruses, such as the flu, peak during this period, adding extra strain on weakened immune systems.

A Question of Statistics

It is also important to highlight that this trend can partly be explained by statistical factors. Data may reveal phenomena linked to administrative delays, with an increase in death declarations upon the return of business days after the holidays.


Weird - 5 janvier 2025 - Rael2012 - CC BY 2.5 - Voir l'historique

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